Founded in 2004                                                                 President - Lord Berkeley of Knighton

Two CD recordings by The Llanfair Singers are available for sale.


Knighton Fine Art

01547 528052

For more information

click here

In The Bleak Mid-Winter

The following is a precis of the minutes of the Annual General Meeting which took place in The Chapel Lawn Village Hall on 13 October 2013.  More detail is available from the Secretary, Jean Gardner.

The Chairman welcomed everyone, in particular Peter Clements and hoped he would be able to resume singing with the choir in the near future.  He also expressed his thanks to the committee, the Chapel Lawn hosts and the choir members.  Graham said that the CD was currently being edited and initial proof recordings were an indication that the final CD would be a production to be proud of.  He listed members who have joined the choir over the past 12 months and those who have left in particular, Ruth Davies who has been a key member of the Llanfair Singers since its inception.

The secretary gave a brief resume of the performances over the last twelve months and thanked Graham and Richard for their hard work and dedication.

Members were asked to confirm their details on the cover of the forthcoming CD were correct.

The Treasurer, Anthony Dodds was unable to be with us for this meeting, but had left a financial report and balance sheet to be read.

Becky reported that taking over the librarian duties had been much easier than anticipated thanks to Helen’s excellent library system.  She asked that members please look after all the music they still have in their possession until after Christmas, when it will all be collected.  Ann thanked members for the prompt return of the library copies.

The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer were all elected last year for a three year period.  Margaret Davis, Barbara Ind and Peter Clements were happy to carry on as sectional coaches and the altos pleased to continue to join the sopranos for their rehearsals.  Peter regretted that his health prevented from committing to regular weekly bass sessions, but Richard offered to help.  Martyn Davies, Becky Whitton, Barbara Ind and Judy North are the marshals; Becky Whitton and Ann Harroway - the librarian team; Jennifer Perry - Catering Manager; Michael Symonds -  Publicity Secretary; Ann Mary Davies - Concert Manager and David Tollman - Ticket Manager.

It was agreed that member subscriptions should be increased to £25.

Graham has printed details of future concerts up to June 2015. The visit to Wrexham was agreed should take place in September, not August.

Any other business: The heating of The Everest Hall was mentioned  and Shirley Weaver offered the Lloyney Inn as a venue for a fund-raising quiz night at which John Wilde offered to be quiz master.

Llanfair Singers