Founded in 2004                                                                President - Lord Berkeley of Knighton

Two CD recordings by The Llanfair Singers are available for sale.


Knighton Fine Art

01547 528052

For more information

click here

In The Bleak Mid-Winter

Llanfair Singers


Artwork by ex-choir member Philippa Boast

Stained glass window - Phillipa Boast

The Committee is made up of 16 members of the choir and is there to ensure the inclusive ethos of the choir runs through everything we do.  In practical terms it also oversees the finances and yearly scheduling.

President  Lord Berkeley of Knighton

Committee Members

Chairman:  Michael Symonds

Vice Chairman:  Graham Trew

Secretary, Venue Co-ordinator and ‘Notes’:  Carolyn Wilde

Treasurer:  Peter Sherman

Publicity secretary:  Michael Symonds

Music Director:  Graham Trew

Assistant Music Director/tenor coach:  Richard Lewis

Concert manager and Tickets:  Anne Mary Davies

Catering manager:  Sarah Green

Librarian/website:  Becky Sherman

Librarian:  Ann Harroway

Soprano + alto coach:  Pam Grounds

Soprano rep: Jean Gardner

Second soprano rep:  Shirley Weaver

Alto coach/rep:  Judy North

Bass Rep:  Martyn Davies

Contact details:  Membership - Di Cosgrove

Or e-mail Becky Sherman

Ticket Sales: Anne Mary Davies

Publicity: Michael Symonds